the past two days have been wonderful.
my family went to the christmas eve service at church last night. i was so happy we were able to go; i haven't been to my home church in quite a while. i've always like the service at our church on christmas eve. it's always a nice service that never fails to remind me why christmas is so important. the pastors read the christmas story, we sang a few christmas songs, and we listened to soem great special music.
after the service we headed to my grandparent's house. not only were we celebrating christmas eve, but we were also celebrating my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary. what a milestone!

The 3 K Girls and our cousins S and T
miss priss showing off the great cross necklace all 3 of us got from S and T's family
and then of course it was christmas day.......
i'm lucky that when i come home i live in a house full of teenagers and people that like to sleep, so i didn't have to wake up until almost 10:00 this morning!
miss priss opening "santa" gifts
stretch opening "santa" gifts

and me opening my "santa" gifts
the 3 k girls couldn't have asked for a better christmas.
we got everything we could have ever wanted and more!