...well at least for a little while.
although i've really enjoyed the winter wonderland, it almost messed up my holiday with the folks! i left school for the semester and headed to the beach for a couple of days. i was lucky enough to be able to go to the christmas luncheon the law office from the summer was having. we had lunch at travinia...it was great! i was so excited to see all of the ladies from the office, it was nice to be able to discuss being behind on our christmas shopping and reflecting on how quickly 2009 has passed. i was also able to work at medieval times on saturday night.
the winter storm left the roads at home slick, so my dad didn't want me driving home until it was safe.
the thought of me being alone the week of christmas really upset king of the road. he even offered to go out of his way to take me home [so sweet!] as he was headed to maryland. luckily the roads cleared up enough and i was able to head home on sunday morning.
this is what i came home to:

my sister, stretch.

my sister, miss priss.
as you can see, we had quite a bit of snow! i can't ever remember having this much...and amazingly enough a lot of it is still here. sadly, billy bob the snowman is melting :-(
i guess stretch and miss priss will have to pray for more snow to recreate him.
king of the road has been in maryland for the past few days, and i'm so excited because he's coming to my hometown on saturday night!!! we both have to work at medieval times on sunday, but we're planning on coming back and watching stretch play basketball. it should be a very exciting week next week!
also, my family has an eventful few days coming up!
- tomorrow my mom and i are headed to independence, va to have our hair done. my hair has been past my shoulders for a few months now and that's definitely a record for me. i'm thinking i'll have at least a couple inches taken off tomorrow....but we shall see!!
- christmas eve we are going to a short church service and having supper and exchanging gifts with my mom's side of the family
- christmas day we'll be busy opening presents from one another and then i'm sure mom will make us take the christmas tree down :-(
- the day after christmas we're heading to charlotte for carolina's bowl game. my dad does business with a company that has a box suite in bank of america stadium and the company's representative was kind enough to give us tickets for the second year in a row!
on top of it all, my sister's have basketball and volleyball practice pretty much every day. i've been able to take them to their practices, but it's been tough! i have no idea how my parents do it! their practice times are always changing and i can't seem to keep the schedules straight.
i'm starting to think that spring semester needs to hurry up and get here so i can have a break!
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