as you can see, the southern part of heaven has already had it's fair share of snow. we got a good amount of snow last friday night/early saturday morning. all of us in the above pic had spent a good part of the morning sledding down the hills in the parking lot of our apartment complex.

the snow was a lot of fun, until i actually had to go to class. monday morning the university canceled classes until 10. that's great for everyone else, but i don't have class until 2:00. the part that stunk the most was my professor didn't even show up and didn't even send us an email. oh well. it's not like i had anything better to do.
as you know from an earlier post my tuesdays and thursdays are no fun. my apartment complex has chosen not to scrape the sidewalks and the parts of the parking lot that i have to use to get to the bus stop, which would be fine if i was a little more coordinated. luckily i didn't have any problems within the complex on tuesday morning. i had on my boots and trekked through the snow and ice like a champ.
thursday was a different story.
i got a little too confident and decided to wear my sperrys yesterday. as most of you probably already know...sperrys don't have ANY traction. as soon as i step down into the parking lot [on what i thought was a pile of semi-melted snow] my right leg started to fly right out from underneath me!! i had to grab onto the cars that i was walking in between and i nearly lost my coffee and granola bar i was in the process of eating. had i not made that excellent recovery i probably would have given up and attempted to ice skate my way back into the apartment because i would probably have had a concussion and a broken tail bone.
i spent the rest of the day walking around on campus like i was 80 years old because i didn't want to risk wiping out in front of the entire campus.
needless to say, after my near-death experience [ok, ok, maybe i'm being a little overdramatic] i decided that i really don't like snow, ice, or anything else that comes along with winter. it was so pretty and so much fun to play around it when it first got here, but now it's just causing problems....and what do you know....THEY ARE CALLING FOR A WINTRY MIX ALL WEEKEND. that's it, i'm transferring to the university of hawaii.
PS king of the road will be here in 6 days!! yay! [so i'll wait to transfer until after he makes his trip down here ;-)]
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