Tuesday, February 2, 2010

the tim tebow explanation.

as i was listing my classes for this semester, i told y'all that i wasn't tim tebow's biggest fan.

i acknowledge the fact that he was a great college football quarterback and i admire him for being so deeply grounded in his faith. i think his ability to stay to true to his values and beliefs says a lot about a young man that is constantly in the spotlight.

BUT i don't necessarily agree with his decision to appear in an advertisement during the Super Bowl.

it is rumored that tebow and his mother will appear in an ad for focus on the family, a non-profit agency. that same advertisement is also rumored to be an anti-abortion ad in which tebow's mother will give a brief description of her fifth pregnancy--apparently while on mission work she got very ill and doctors advised her to abort the pregnancy. she chose to keep the child and within a few months....tim tebow was born.

you might have the same question as i did when i first heard about this little situation: where the heck did a non-profit get $3 million to pay for a 30 second commercial during the Super Bowl?!?!?! well, lucky for you, i have the answer. private donors financed the project.

regardless of my opinion on the abortion debate i think it is simply atrocious that such an issue is being brought to light during the Super Bowl. i believe that each side of the debate should be presented when discussing such a matter, but the main reason i believe the commercial is such a terrible idea is $MONEY$.

i think it's wonderful that a few rich country club goers have tons of money to throw around, but i think they could have used their money in better ways. focus on the family's mission statement is: "Focus on the Family is a global non-profit Christian organization with a vision for healing brokenness in families, communities and societies worldwide through Christ. The purpose of the ministry is to strengthen, defend and celebrate the institution of the traditional family and to highlight the unique and irreplaceable role that it plays in God’s larger story of redemption." couldn't those private donors have put their money somewhere where it would directly benefit broken families? couldn't they have helped to finance marriage counseling for couples that want to hold their marriages together and would like to have outside guidance, but simply can't afford to seek that guidance???? or even counseling teenagers and helping them make the right decisions during those oh-so-awkward high school years??? focus on the family should rethink their decision and do more to directly influence individuals.

i'm sure there's a lot more that could be said about this, but i've said everything that i feel is most important....so i'll get off my soapbox now.

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