Thursday, February 9, 2012


Two weekends ago Husband and I spent Saturday evening at our new church.  They were having a church-wide viewing of the movie Courageous, that would kick off several weeks of themed messages on Sunday mornings and bible studies / small groups.  If you haven't seen the movie you most definitely should!  Husband and I don't have children of our own yet, but it really made us think about the type of parents we want to be when we do decide to have children.

In other church news, we officially placed our membership at Northside Community Church a few Sundays ago.  They are currently meeting in a shopping center, but will be moving into an actual church building within the next few months.  We are excited to be a part of the transition! We will also be taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  I've heard a lot of good things about it, so I can't wait to get started!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Long Time, No Talk!

Wow!  It's been a really long time since I've written anything down, but I think it's time to get started again so that I can remember all the things that are happening in my life.

Since it's been a year since I've written I'll quickly recap what's been going on (in pictures!)--
 I graduated from UNC Chapel Hill in May.  Go Tarheels!
I got hired full time at Schneider Electric.  I was hired into a position that wasn't my favorite, but I was moved into the position that I interned for in October.  It's really challenging some days, but I like it!
 I got married to KOTR in June.
Husband and I bought our first home in Wake Forest, NC in November.

Husband and I have a lot lined up for 2012.  I really hope to blog constantly so that we'll be able to look back at the year and marvel at all we've done!!

Monday, January 3, 2011


It seems like everyone is talking about their New Year's resolutions and all this talk has got me thinking about my own resolutions.  To be honest, I don't really make resolutions--by February I forget what I promised myself I would try to improve.

2011 is going to be about moving forward: I begin my last semester of college, I begin the search for a job, I graduate from college, I move out of my college apartment--leaving behind 3 of the best roommates I could have ever asked for, and most importantly I'm getting married!  And it's hard to believe that all those things are going to happen before July!

This year I've decided that rather than make a resolution, I'm going to choose something to focus on this year.


I want to focus on progress in these areas:
  • Prepping myself to be the best wife I can be.
  • Money management. 
  • My job search and ultimately my career.
  • My health.
  • My faith.
Right now I'm finding it really easy to get discouraged.  I'm a huge planner and right now it feels like I can't plan for much.  KOTR and I have no idea where we'll be living after our wedding and I have no idea if I'll get a job.  Those two things are proving to be extremely stressful.  I'm hoping that by focusing on progress I will be able to focus on the steps that I'm taking to get to where I ultimately want to be.  With a some hard work and faith I just need to trust that everything will work out!

2011 is going to bring so many new and exciting things.  I want to make sure that I focus on moving forward and bettering myself this year!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday Treats: Sausage Balls

I had a wonderful Christmas, and I hope y'all did too.  Unfortunately my family and I didn't get to do too much because my middle sister and mom were pretty sick during the days leading up to Christmas.  Luckily they are on the mend now!

Every Christmas season I always get into a cooking mood.  Sausage balls are always a staple in our household during this time of year.  I usually make them the day before Christmas Eve, but since we were dealing with sickness I didn't get a chance to make them until Christmas Day.

I thought sausage balls were a pretty typical treat, but KOTR had never heard of maybe it's a Southern thing.  Here's the super easy recipe:

Sausage Balls
3 cups Bisquick mix
1.5 pounds of sausage--I like to mix hot and regular sausage.  I also recommend using Neese's sausage for the best flavor!
1.5 pounds sharp cheddar cheese 

Mix all of the above ingredients together until they are totally incorporated. 

Roll into small round balls.

Bake at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes or until you hear them start to sizzle.

Let them cool for about 5 minutes and enjoy! 
I totally forgot to take a picture of the finished product!

I hope everyone has been staying warm during the past few days!  It sure has been cold here in NC!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Plans For Christmas Break

I just got back in town after a long weekend in MD with KOTR.  I forgot my camera charger, so I didn't take any pics while I was there.  Major fail.  I had a wonderful time hanging out with KOTR and his cousins.  Now I'm just counting down the days until we see each other again! :-)

As y'all know from my lack of blogging this semester, I've been extremely busy.  Over Christmas break I don't have to do any work or schoolwork.  I have to start planning UNC Dance Marathon, but other than that I'm free!!  Since I've got so much time on my hands, I've compiled a "to-do" list to keep me occupied.
  • Watch the last season of One Tree Hill.
  • Work out at least 4 days a week.
  • Skype with KOTR.
  • Create policy manuals and volunteer schedules for UNC Dance Marathon.
  • Plan a special outing for the next time KOTR comes to NC.
  • Keep my blog updated!
  • Begin invitation list for the wedding.
  • Sleep in!!
We shall see how this goes!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Wish List!

Hello - is there anybody out there?!?  I realize it's been a really long time since I've updated.  Working almost 40 hours a week, going to school full time, planning UNC Dance Marathon and a wedding haven't left me with much extra time for blogging.  That will definitely change next semester!  I'm taking some time off from my internship and I'm only taking one class next semester.  That's the wonderful life of a second semester senior!

Here's a few things I've been eying this holiday season:

 How cute is this?  I found it on Etsy. It would be perfect for keeping my ears warm without messing my hair up! 

Yeah, yeah.  I know these probably won't look that great in a size ten, but they look so comfy!  I know they would be wonderful for the marathon in February!  

I am in love with these Nine West booties.  Actually, I'm just loving all booties these days!

With all this nasty winter weather Chapel Hill has been getting I've decided I've got to have these LL Bean boots.  I'm realizing that I definitely don't have appropriate snow/ice gear!

Honestly if I had to choose my favorite things off my list it would be the headband and the LL Bean boots.  I realize they aren't the most trendy and they wouldn't really make a fashion statement, but I can't catch a break when it comes to walking outside in less-than-favorable conditions!  I walked around with wet feet all day today and it was no fun at all!

On another note, A Charlie Brown Christmas is on ABC right now.  I usually watch this movie with my sissys...can't wait to be home with them!  More importantly, I can't wait to see my fiancé tomorrow!!  I'll have updates from my trip to MD soon!